Bill Calculator

Use this calculator to see every charge that makes up to your monthly bill.

This calculator will work for all residential members on traditional monthly billing, but will not work for members on Time-of-Use, Budget, Prepaid, Net Billing, or other specialty billing and rate programs.

Calculate My Monthly Cost

Enter the following information to calculate total charges based on your actual usage.


* Since the cost of electricity fluctuates from month to month, REMC includes a Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) to account for higher and lower electricity prices throughout the year. When power is less expensive than expected, you will see a credit on your bill, and when it is more expensive than expected, there will be an additional charge.

** The facility charge is a flat amount charged monthly to help pay for the distribution equipment needed to get electricity from the source to your home (poles, wires, transformers, substations, etc.). The facility charge is paid by every member to keep our grid in good shape.

Where to find this information on my bill?


KWh is found in the far left bubble “This Month” Energy Usage on page 1 or top right of the table on page 2 of your bill.


Month is found in your billing date on the top right corner or bottom right of bill.